Milan, EffeArte Gallery, STORIES | Debora Hirsch

Debora Hirsch, Stories
curated by Lorella Scacco
Milan, EffeArte Gallery
March 1st – April 30th 2012
Opening: March 1st, 2012 h. 6 p.m.| EffeArte, via Ausonio 1/A, Milan
Debora Hirsch will show for the very fist time inItaly her new collection of works called Stories: a series of portraits of politicians or people related to them and artists. All of these works reveal a meticulous artistic work and a careful research about characters’ life and personality. Portraits are about some important public figures such as Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Nicolas Sarkozy, Carla Bruni, Pope Benedict XVI, Mahmud Ahmadinejad, Vladimir Putin, Silvio Berlusconi and Hillary Clinton. Among the artists we can find Andy Warhol, Yves Klein, Piero Manzoni, Man Ray and Marcel Duchamp. The portrait of such a both political and artistic icon as Marilyn Monroe completes the exhibition. Debora Hirsch adds a personal text right beside the portraits, which becomes part of the portrait itself and help us to understand it deeply. The celebrities are all big names of the History of XX century and all of them are rendered human by the artist through their personal thoughts and everyday life experiences.